Cisco Smart License Configuration For IOS-XE And NXOS
Welcome to my blog where i am going to configure Cisco Smart Licensing on Multipe Cisco operating system. This blog will take you through the detailed steps of configuration.
These configurations were performed in real environments, and the results may VARY depending on your environments.
For more details please visit Used USB In Offline Method where the USB should be FAT32 All Cisco Devices support FAT32 USB.
Before enabling or migrating to Smart Licensing, ensure:
- Smart Account: Create and access a smart account at the Cisco Smart Software Manager portal OR used to create users who organize licenses according to company requirements.
- Device Registration: Register your device using the generated token from CSSM.
- Smart Licensing: Manage the software license.
- Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM): It is active and manages Cisco licenses.
- Connectivity: Configure Layer 3 connectivity to the CSSM satellite.
Restrictions for Smart Licensing
- Connectivity: Only works if routers connect directly to CSSM or a satellite server.
- Browsers: Use Chrome 32.0, Firefox 25.0, Safari 6.0, or later, with JavaScript enabled.
- Platform Limitations: DLC not supported on ASR 1000 RP2 with non-universal K9 images. Use IOS XE 16.3, 16.6, or 16.9 before upgrading to 16.10.1a.
- Unsupported Releases: Do not use Smart Software Manager satellite versions earlier than 4.1.0, 6.0.x, or 6.1.x.
- Call Home Profile: Cisco does support using IP addresses in Call Home profiles, so the restriction may depend on the deployment setup. Clarify based on specific conditions.
- Communication: Use HTTPS to communicate with CSSM.
- IOS XE 17.2.1: Re-register licenses if switching between autonomous and controller modes.
- Web UI: Cannot configure SLP commands on Cisco CSR1000V or ISRv versions 17.3.x and earlier.
Deployment Method
Direct Connection: Devices directly connected to the cloud via Cisco Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).
Windows Server or Any Server is Accessing the cloud with Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).
Offline Mode
Offline access through License Reservation.
Smart Licensing configuration of IOS-XE Devices
Cisco Enterprise Routing Platforms
If you want to learn more about licensing for the enterprise routers running on Cisco IOS XE Release 17.4.1 or later, more on Smart Licensing Using Policy for the Cisco Enterprise Routing Platforms
Cisco Smart Licensing Using Policy (SLP)
SLP simplifies license management by removing the need for recurring registration every 30 days, while ensuring that products operate seamlessly after setup.
- Easy Setup and Maintenance: Products work right away without an evaluation phase.
- No Registration: No need to check in with Cisco every 30 days.
- Automatic Compatibility: Supported by specific versions of Cisco’s software (e.g., IOS XE17.3.2, IOS XR 24.1.1, NX-OS 10.2(1)).
Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM)
Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) is a centralized portal for managing all your Cisco software licenses.
- Manage Licenses: Create, manage, or view virtual accounts and transfer licenses.
- Product Instances: Transfer, remove, or view product instances.
- Run Reports: Generate reports on your virtual accounts.
- Notifications: Modify email notification settings.
- Account Overview: View overall account information.
Access CSSM at Navigate to the License tab and click the Smart Software Licensing link.
1.Direct License Management
- Simple: Devices report usage automatically via the internet or proxy.
2. On-Premises License Management
- Secure: Devices stay within the local network, sync with CSSM via a server.
3.Disconnected License Usage
- High Security: Fully offline, manual license management.
Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU)
Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU) is a Windows-based tool for managing licensing workflows, both online and offline. Key functions include:
- Trigger Workflows: Can be triggered by CSLU or the product instance.
- Collect and Upload Reports: Collects usage reports from product instances and uploads them to Smart or Virtual Accounts.
- Authorization Codes: Generate and exchange authorization codes to and from CSSM for license validation.
Implementation Options for CSLU
- Connected to CSSM: Install on Windows to use CSLU as a connected tool.
- Disconnected Mode: Install on Windows to use CSLU offline, suitable for air-gapped networks.
- Embedded: Included in controllers like Cisco DNA Center.
- Linux Deployment: Install on a Linux machine (laptop or desktop).
CSLU supports Windows 10 and Linux. Always use the latest version available on the Software Download page.
Note: CSLU is not supported in Cisco SD-WAN (Cisco vManage) and cannot report license usage for routing product instances managed by Cisco vManage.
Controller support information, including required software versions for Cisco DNA Center and Cisco vManage, and their compatible product instances.
- Support Information for Controller: Cisco DNA Center
- Support Information for Controller: Cisco vManage
SSM On-Prem
SSM On-Prem is an asset manager that allows local administration of products and licenses, with specific software version requirements for Smart Licensing.
Managed Service License Agreement (MSLA)
MSLA is a post-paid license program for Service Providers that tracks and bills usage via Smart Accounts, with specific Cisco IOS XE version requirements for Catalyst 8000V software.
License enforcement types:
- Unenforced: No pre-use authorization required; terms are per EULA.
- Enforced: Requires an authorization code before
- Export-Controlled: Requires authorization due to export restrictions; may be pre-installed with hardware.
- Perpetual: No expiration date.
- Subscription: Valid until a specified end date.
Smart Licensing Authorization Code
The Smart Licensing Authorization Code (SLAC) is essential for activating and using export-controlled or enforced licenses, such as HSECK9 and MRP Client/Manager. It is also required for encrypted throughput exceeding 250 Mbps on specific Cisco products. Existing SLACs, or licenses like HSECK9, SLR, or PAK, may suffice for these needs.
- Cisco 1100 Routers and 4000 Service Gateway are Encrypted throughput greater than 250 Mbps
- Cisco 1100 ISR Router and 8000v Catalyst Series Edge Platfroms are Encrypted throughput greater than 250 Mbps OR Encrypted and unencrypted throughput (combined) greater than 250 Mbps
NOTE: When upgrading to Smart Licensing Using Policy:
SLR Authorization Code: Supported after the upgrade.
AK-Fulfilled License: Follow guidelines in “Snapshots for PAK Licenses” to continue use.
PLR Authorization Code: Refer to “Permanent License Reservation in the Smart Licensing Using Policy Environment” for continued use.
A policy provides the product instance with the following reporting instructions
- License Usage Report Acknowledgement (ACK): Specifies if CSSM requires acknowledgment of the license usage report.
- First Report Requirement (days): Defines the number of days within which the first report must be sent; zero means no report is required.
- Reporting Frequency (days): Determines how often subsequent reports must be sent; zero means no further reports are needed unless there is a usage change.
- Report on Change (days): Specifies the days within which a report must be sent if there is a change in license usage; zero means no report is required for usage changes.
Note: To view the policy applied, use the
show license all
command. For customized policies, contact Cisco Global Licensing Operations via Support Case Manager.
RUM Report and Report Acknowledgement
- RUM Report: A license usage report generated by the product instance, which records and tracks license usage and changes. Open RUM reports are periodically closed, and new ones are created. Closed reports are then sent to CSSM.
- RUM Acknowledgement (ACK): A response from CSSM confirming receipt and processing status of a RUM report. Once an ACK is available, the corresponding RUM report can be deleted.
Trust Code
- Used to Sign RUM report for authentication and data integrity.
Obtaining a Trust Code:
- Factory-installed Trust Code: Available from Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1a for new orders, but cannot be used for communication with CSSM.
- Via CSSM: Generate an ID token in the CSSM Web UI to request and install a trust code. This overwrites any factory-installed trust code.
- Automatic Acquisition: From Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1 and later, a trust code is automatically obtained based on the network topology (direct connection, air-gapped network, or CSLU-initiated data retrieval).
- Factory-installed Codes: Automatically overwritten by the new trust code.
- Installation Confirmation: The
show license status
command will show the updated timestamp under "Trust Code Installed."
SLP Configuration — No Connectivity to CSSM and No CSLU (Offline Mode)
Activating Traditional License in IOS-XE
NOTE: IOS-XE 17.06.3a Doesn’t support Traditional Formats.
In my Case i have an ISR 4331 Router (Hardware) where i have activated the License in Traditional format using the given .lic files
First Copy the Given .lic files to the Router or switch whatever way you can via USB or TFTP.
Copy USB Command
Router#copy usb1/usb0: flash:
Source filename [ ]? uck9_license.lic
Destination filename [uck9_license.lic]?
[OK - 1161 bytes]
Copy TFTP Command
Router#copy tftp flash:
Address or name of remote HOST [ ]?
Source filename [ ]? uck9_license.lic
Destination filename [uck9_license.lic]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading uck9_license.lic from (via GigabitEthernet1/0/1): !
[OK - 1161 bytes]
1161 bytes copied in 0.059 secs (19678 bytes/sec)
Note: while the show flash: command now lists the file in the flash, it has NOT yet been installed. The license install command must be used to install the license.
Installing Licenses in ISR 4331 Router
Router#license install flash:uck9_license.lic
Installing licenses from "flash:uck9_license.lic"
1/1 licenses were successfully installed
0/1 licenses were existing licenses
0/1 licenses were failed to install
At this point of time, the license is installed in the SYSTEM. However, it is not enabled yet..
To enable the technology package license(datak9, uck9, securityk9 or securityk9_npe), please reload the SYSTEM if the technology package is NOT yet enabled.
To disable ANY technology package license, please issue the following configuration command, save configuration and reload the SYSTEM.
Router(config)#license boot module technology-package disable
Increasing Thougthput level or Active the Boot Performance License with the given command
Check the Througthput levels it will show you in numbers.
show platform hardware throughput level
show platform hardware throughput level boost
If its doesn’t show anything that means the throughput is not activated Now you have to activate using the given command and it will tell you to reload the Router/device to active the license.
platform hardware throughput level boost
Save the changes
Device # copy running-config startup-config
Device # reload
Device # confirm
Check the License summary
sh lice summary
License Usage:
License Entitlement Tag Count Status
booster_performance (ISR_4431_BOOST) 1 IN USE
Now its shows that the Boot Performance License its activated and the Router is BOOSTED with the Depending amount of MB Throughput.
Note: In this , I used a Cisco ISR Router to activate the BOOT Performance License. This process is universal for all devices, such as the Cisco Catalyst 9300 Switch, where you also need to activate the DNA and Essentials licenses, among others and more…

1.Set the Transport mode off and Save the configuration
Device(config)# license smart transport off
Device(config)# exit
Device# copy running-config startup-config
All communication to and from the product instance is disabled. To report license usage, you must save RUM reports to a file (on your product instance) and upload it to CSSM (from a Laptop that has connectivity to the internet, and Cisco website. Save the usage of licenses on a text file inside of the bootflash and extract it out of the router.
Device# license smart save usage all file bootflash:all_rum.txt
Device# copy bootflash:all_rum.txt tftp://X.X.X.X/all_rum.txt
2. Uploading Usage Data to CSSM and Downloading an ACK
Upload usage data to CSSM: Uploading Usage Data to CSSM and Downloading an ACK.
Copy the RUM.txt File from Router to Laptop.
On the Cisco software central under smart management >> select the organization >> select the virtual account >> navigate to Reports >> choose Usage Data Files and upload the usage data file created by the router.

Uploading the Router Given RUM file to Cisco Smart Manager.

After Uploading the RUM File Wait for 5–7 Mintues (The CSSM will Process and generate the reponse as per the RUM file).
And Download the Acknownledge Report (ACK).

Now upload the ACK.RUM.txt file back to the router as needed.
i Used USB Method.
Router#copy usb1/usb0: flash:
Source filename [ ]? all_rum.txt
Destination filename all_rum.txt
[OK - 1161 bytes]
Router#copy tftp flash:
Address or name of remote HOST [ ]?
Source filename [ ]? all_rum.txt
Destination filename all_rum.txt
Accessing tftp://
Loading uck9_license.lic from (via GigabitEthernet1/0/1): !
[OK - 1161 bytes]
Verify that the file is present in the router’s directory.
Device#dir flash:/
3. Installing a File on the Device
Device# dir [see the file is there and copy the file name ]
Device# license smart import bootflash:ack_usage.txt
Import Data Successful
In CSSM navigate to Inventory >>> Product Instance >>

From the router point we can check it by using the below commad in Usage Report section
#show license all
Router END:
Usage Reporting:
Last ACK received: May 15 10:17:19 2023 UTC
Next ACK deadline: May 14 10:17:19 2024 UTC
Reporting push interval: 30 days
Next ACK push check: <none>
Next report push: May 15 09:59:06 2023 UTC
Last report push: <none>
Last report file write: <none>
License Usage
booster_performance (ISR_4431_BOOST):
Description: booster_performance
Count: 1
Version: 1.0
Status: IN USE
Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
Feature Name: booster_performance
Feature Description: booster_performance
Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
License type: Perpetual
#sh lice summary
License Usage:
License Entitlement Tag Count Status
booster_performance (ISR_4431_BOOST) 1 IN USE
You can used Sync command to resync again if any issue occur.
Device(config)#license smart sync all
NXOS Offline Mode Configuration
In this, I used a Nexus 9300 hardware switch where I activated the ACI Base License for 10G+ Leaf XF. This ACI Base License is a foundational license on the Nexus switch, while the advanced features are covered under the DCN licenses on Version 10.3.04a
- Login Into the CSSM and check the availability of licenses.

2. Generating RUM Report.
NOTE: Basic configurations like inter-VLAN routing won’t use the ACI or DCN licenses initially. First, you need to enable certain features. I used OSPF and generated an RUM report.
Device(config)#license smart transport mode off
Device(config)#feature ospf
Device(config)#license smart save usage all bootflash:<NAME_ALL_rum>.txt
Device(config)#copy running-config startup
Device(config)#copy bootflash: usb0:
Enter Source Filename:FILENAME_ALL_rum.txt

Upload the Nexus Generate RUM Report to CSSM at Report >>> Usage Data Files >> Upload Usage Data >> Select the File and Upload Data.

Select the Virtual Account (VA):

After Uploading the RUM File Wait for 5–7 Mintues (The CSSM will Process and generate the reponse as per the RUM file).
After that download the Acknowlegde report (ACK.RUM).

Now Uploaded the ACK.RUM.txt File back to the Nexus as per your needs. i Used USB Method.

Validating that the license is not active yet in the Trust code there is none.
Device(config)#show license status

Uploading The ACK.RUM to Nexus switch
Device(config)#dir usb1:
Device(config)#copy usb1: bootflash:
Enter Source Filename:ACK.FILENAME_ALL_rum.txt

Importing the ACK.RUM Report to Nexus Switch.
Device(config)#license smart import bootflash:ACK.FILENAME_all_rum.txt
Device(config)#show license summary

You can see the ACI Base License for 10G+ Leaf XF is increase by +1 Now the Total is 2.

Show commands
show license all
show license status
show version
show license summary
show run
You can used Sync command to resync again if any issue occur.
Device(config)#license smart sync all
Direct Connceted To CSSM

Cisco Smart Licencing Port Allow on Firewall.
Ensure the following ports are properly configured in your firewall for uninterrupted communication with CSSM:
- User Interface: HTTPS (port 8443)
- Product Registration: HTTPS (port 443), HTTP (port 80)
- Communication to CSSM: HTTPS (,,, port 443.
Smart Account Set-Up → Product Instance Configuration → Trust Establishment with CSSM → Authorization Code Installation
1. Smart Account Set-Up.
Where task is performed: CSSM Web UI,
Ensure that you have a user role with proper access rights to a Smart Account and the required Virtual Accounts.
2.Product Instance Configuration.
Where tasks are performed: Product Instance
Set-Up product instance connection to CSSM
- Setting Up a Connection to CSSM
Step 1: Configue the Name server for DNS querys.
{ ip| ipv6} name-server server-address 1 …server-address 6]
Device(config)# ip name-server,
Device(config)#ip domain lookup
Step 2: Domain Name.
Device(config)#ip domain name
Step 3: Interface and Routes Configuration.
interface <fa/gig/tengig>
ip address
ip routes next hops
ntp server
timezone IST +5 30
Step 4: Check the Reachebility to CSSM.
telnet 443 /ipv4
Step 5: Transport Mode.
If the transport mode is set to license smart transport smart , and you configure license smart url default , the Smart URL ( is automatically configured. Remember to save any changes to the configuration file:
Device(config)# license smart transport smart
Device(config)# license smart url default
Device(config)# exit
Device# copy running-config startup-config
Step 7: Generating a New Token for a Trust Code from CSSM
Step 7.1:
- Log in to the CSSM Web UI at, and click Manage licenses.
- Log in using the username and password provided by Cisco. The Smart Software Licensing page is displayed.
Step 7.2: Click the Inventory tab.
Step 7.3: From the Virtual Account drop-down list, choose the required virtual account
Step 7.4: Click the General tab.
Step 7.5: Click New Token. The Create Registration Token window is displayed.

Step 7.6: In the Description field, enter the token description
Step 7.7: In the Expire After field, enter the number of days the token must be active.
Step 7.8: (Optional) In the Max. Number of Uses field, enter the maximum number of uses allowed after which the token expires.
NOTE: If you enter a value here, ensure that you stagger the installation of the trust code during the next part of the process. If you want to simultaneously install the trust code on a large number of product instances, we recommend that you leave this field blank. Entering a limit here and simultaneously installing it on a large number of devices causes a bottleneck in the processing of these requests in CSSM and installation on some devices may fail, with the following error: Failure Reason: Server error occurred: LS_LICENGINE_FAIL_TO_CONNECT.
Step 7.9 : Click Create Token.

Step 7.10 : You will see your new token in the list. Click Actions and download the token as a .txt file or copy the code.

Step 8 : Making Trust with an ID Token
Step 8.1 : Enter the token in the license smart trust command.
license smart trust idtoken id_token_value{ local| all} [ force]
Device# license smart trust idtoken <insert token here > all force
Step 8.2 : Verfiy the Trust Code has been Installed
show license status
<output truncated>
Trust Code Installed:
Active: PID:C9500-24Y4C,SN:CAT23####23H
INSTALLED on Sep 04 01:01:46 2020 EDT
Standby: PID:C9500-24Y4C,SN:CAT23###4GJ
INSTALLED on Sep 04 01:01:46 2020 EDT
Used #show license udi
to get the Serail Number.

On CSSM Navigate to the Product Instances tab and confirm the Serial Number that belongs to listed.

License Types and advanced uses.
From this the licenses MAY VARY as per your Bill of Quantities.
- C8000-HSEC
- U.S. Export Restriction Compliance license for C8000 series
- This license ensures compliance with U.S. export regulations, allowing you to confidently use and distribute your Cisco C8000 Series products.
2. T 0
2.1: DSTACK-T0-A
- Cisco DNA Advantage Stack — upto 25M (Aggr, 50M)
- Cisco DNA Advantage is a cloud-based service that provides insights into the performance of applications and the Catalyst SD-WAN network infrastructure
- Cisco Network Advantage Stack — upto 25M (Aggr, 50M)
- The Cisco Network Advantage Stack is a software license that provides advanced network management and security features for Cisco enterprise networks. It’s suitable for networks with a capacity of up to 200 Mbps (aggr, 400 Mbps), making it ideal for medium to large-scale enterprises
3. T 1
3.1: DSTACK-T1-A
- Cisco DNA Advantage Stack — upto 200M (Aggr, 400M)
- Cisco DNA Advantage Stack is its ability to provide up to 200 Mbps of bandwidth on aggregation links and 400 Mbps of bandwidth on access links
- Cisco Network Advantage Stack — upto 200M (Aggr, 400M).
- The 200 Mbps in Tier 1 enables 400 Mbps of aggregate bandwidth, which can be used in any upload/download ratio.
4. T 2
- Its on 2GB.
Note: There are many more as i am not aware of that.
Configuration of T Licenses change the Number as PER the Requirements.
Device(config)#license boot level network-advantage addon dna-advantage T0
Device(config)#license boot level network-advantage addon dna-advantage T1
NOTE: The Device Asked for RELOAD to Activate.
Configuration of HSEC Licenses.
First, activate the feature
Device(config)#license feature hseck9
Device(config)#license smart authorization request add hseck9 all
Device(config)#write memeory
Device(config)#platfrom hardware throughput crypto T0
Device(config)#platfrom hardware throughput crypto T1
Note: The Device Asked for RELOAD to Activate.
Output Example:
Custom Id: <empty>
Usage Reporting:
Last ACK received: Oct 04 10:07:25 2023 UTC
Next ACK deadline: Jan 02 10:07:25 2024 UTC
Reporting push interval: 30 days
Next ACK push check: Oct 04 10:07:23 2023 UTC
Next report push: Oct 04 10:36:29 2023 UTC
Last report push: Oct 04 10:02:25 2023 UTC
Last report file write: <none>
Trust Code Installed: Oct 04 08:57:19 2023 UTC
Router US Export Lic. for DNA (DNA_HSEC):
Description: U.S. Export Restriction Compliance license for DNA based Routers
Total available count: 1
Enforcement type: EXPORT RESTRICTED
Term information:
Active: PID:C8300-1N1S-4T2X,SN:FDO2712M0JP
License type: PERPETUAL
Term Count: 1
DC4-RTR-2#show licen summary
License Usage:
License Entitlement Tag Count Status
network-advantage_10M (ESR_P_10M_A) 1 IN USE
dna-advantage_10M (DNA_P_10M_A) 1 IN USE
hseck9 (DNA_HSEC
) 1 IN USE

Show License Commands
show license summary
show license status
show license usage
show license authorization
show license all
You can used SYNC command to resync again if any issue occur
Device(config)#license smart sync all
That’s all from me. Happy Configuration ! :)
Thanks for reading my Cisco Smart License Configuration For IOS-XE And NXOS writeup! If you made it this far, congratulations — you now have 99 Device Configuration issues but a license ain’t one! I hope you found it helpful. Check out my GitHub for more writeups.